
Parent truth No. 28

Fact: It takes approximately 22 minutes to wrestle a kid into a snowsuit to play outside on a snow day.

Once outside, it will take exactly three and a half minutes for them to announce they have to go to the bathroom.

snow day
Ah, snow days.

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My kid thinks Abe Lincoln and I rolled with the same crowd

Note to future self: Remind my kids of this when they are teenagers and want me to do stuff for them. I will not be able to, as I will be so verrrry old.

I know my kid learned about Presidents’ Day at preschool. I also know in my 4 year-old’s mind I am old as dirt already. Proof?

Her: Do you know Abraham Lincoln?

Me: Sure. He was one of the presidents of the United States.

Her: No! Do you know him, know him?!

Me: No, honey. He lived over a hundred years ago.

Her: Well, Mommy, you are verrrry old. You must know him.

Me: (Indistinctly mutters to self. Pours second cup of coffee.)